Our team 

Wine Shop QUENCH WINE Tasting Salon Supervisors: Hitomi & Tattki- 

当社のオレゴンワインの販売前テイスティングメンバーであり、またQUENCH WINEサロンでの顧客サービスをサポートメンバーメンバーでもあるHitomiさんとTakiさん

Hitomi and Taki are our Oregon wine tasting writer members and support member of customer service at the QUENCH WINE TASITING SALON.
They navigate  to the specific satisfactioly wine world through wine tasting under easy-to-understand explanation of the difference between knowledge of world wines and Oregon wines. As part of their lifestyle, support our wine busines with a wine lover and a natural member who enjoys wine diligently, valuing the thoughts and stories of the producers.

Export & Business Design manager: Aya


Aya is an international trade specialist based in Seattle, WA.  He is a transplant from Tokyo, Japan.  Aya discovered Pacific Northwest wines soon after moving to Seattle.  He appreciates artesian wines that showcase the unique flavor profile of the Pacific Northwest.  With over 20 years experience in global markets, including Japan, China, EU and the US, Aya’s expertise covers international finance, marketing, project management, logistics, and supply chain. Aya has experience in the grocery industry, as well as managing full-service agricultural export programs from the US, EU and China to Japan.   He has also recently developed a new love for single malt Japanese whiskeys.

Washoku pairing supervisor_ Zen 

手打ち蕎麦 膳 [Soba Restaurant Owner]






As the owner of a Japanese Soba restaurant in Kudanshita, Tokyo,

His traditional and authentic Soba restaurant is distinguished from Soba Izakaya dining style restaurant. 

His restaurant service with comfortable hospitality, natural ingredients and devoting himself to his cuisine are loved by regular customer.

His another commitment of providing alcoholic beverage is Pairing of [Japanese food x wine with something like... Sustainable, or naturally wines], and  his wine is popular same as wide range of local Soba distilled spirits or Sake.


Shop Operator/site administrator_ Kohji  


こよなくワインを愛す一般庶民ワインドリンカー🍷サイト運営者の清水 です。

海外旅行中にはいつも数千円で飲めるコスパの高いワインに感動し、いつしか帰国時の税関ではスーツケースいっぱいに詰め込んだワインを申告しているうちにハンドキャリーの限界を感じ始め、空輸ケース買いを開始して、それならとワインセラーも購入し、それなら輸入業やる? やるなら大量生産ワインではなく、地元消費されるような希少なBuy Local系ワインをやろうぜ!、真面目に正統派で栽培し、その年その年のブドウに合わせて無理に矯正規格調整はしない、「今年の夏の気候はこんなだったから」・「収穫時期はこんなことがあったからねっ」と、こんなストーリーと一緒にワインを飲んだらビックリするよ!、「ほー、なるほど!」とね、というノリで仲間やワイナリーオーナーと雑談しながら、わけも分からず税務署に相談し、この度事業を開始させて頂くことになりました。



Healthy Winesyleは食品の輸出入事業としてHealthy Lifestyle Companyの理念に準じております。

 Healthy Winestyleを通じてご提供させて頂くワインを通じ、『心と身体のライフスタイルの一部をプロデュースし、一次生産から消費までの社会に貢献すること』『正しく生産され提供される食材や食品業態(Farm to table)を守ること』を経営理念としています。

Healthy Winestyleでは、顔の見えるBuy Local な[美味しさ]+[より安心]を楽しんで頂けるようにして参ります。

また、Healthy Winestyle は今後の取組みの一つとして、正統派のワインの小規模造り手の事業存続を目的とした購入プログラムを只今準備しています。


1996-2007:一次生産農場 → 2007-2018:一次生産者向け輸入業 → 2019~:一次二次生産食品安全品質審査員/食農食育コミュニティ支援Healthy Lifestyle Company /Healthy Winestyle 運営

I'm the website owner who really loves US wine.
While traveling abroad , I was always impressed by the high cost performance of wine that can be drunk for Dozens of dollars and I declared wine packed full of suitcases at at the Japan customs office on every trip. However  I began to feel the limitations of hand carry import for enjoy in japan such as excellent wine like Oregon and Washington wines.
I really thanks to the winery owners and friends for their various support for exporting to Japan, and also appreciate to your understanding of our selecting wines for pairing with Washoku food in Japan, we decided to become an official importer in this time. I am convinced that many Japanese will be moved by our wines.

Finally let me inform our management philosophy under many thanks,
Healthy Wine Style follows the principles of the Healthy Life Style Company as a food import and export business.
Through wine offered through Healthy Wine Style, "producing a part of the Healthy lifestyle of mind and body, contributing to society from primary producers to consumer, and provided Protecting the business of food ingredients and foods that are appropriately produced( from Farm to Table)".
That is our management philosophy.
Through this wine business, I hope that the Japanese people will be able to communicate the splendor and necessity of sustainable and CSA(consumer supported agriculture)to the Japanese people and enjoy them.

1996-2007: Primary production farm → 2007-2018: Import business for primary producers → 2019 ~: Primary secondary production food safety and quality auditor, managing Health Lifestyle Company / Healthy Wine Style, agriculture and food education community supporting, etc.